Monday, May 20, 2013

The masssive movement

the movement of the sun, moon and earth really has a huge impact on earth. when the tilted earth rotates which takes 23+hours, half of the earth gets sun light (day) and half gets no light (night) when moon moves which is also known as the phases of the moon the gravity controls the oceans water level. it can be high, normal or low. waxing is when moon goes from being small to big and waning is when the moon goes from big to small, new moon is when the moon is invisible to sun,quater moon is when Half of the moon is missing and gibbous is when more then half of the moon shows. the sun light also as causes the seasons. the part which gets direct sun light has summer or spring, and where it gets indirect light its winter or fall. equator has no season because its in the middle.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mineral identification

<- Graphite mineral , it can turn from black to grey, used to make pencil lead, and its streak is black and has greasy texture .

<- Talc mineral, it can turn from green to white, used to make ceramic paper, and its streak is white-ish and also has greasy texture

Mineral properties Vocabulay

Luster - Metallic or non metallic (contains metal or not)
- its powder when starched or rubbed on other martial 
hardness - How hard it is ( Soft, hard, Extremely) 
cleavage - when it breaks evenly
fracture - when it breaks un evenly
composition- Stuff thats makes the mineral 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

-Science is interesting
-i like basketball
-Sharks scare me
-pizza is my favorite food
-I will be a father when i grow up
-i have 3 siblings
-My favorite color is Red
-my favorite things to do is play basketball and football
-watch out for annoying people
-i wish i can have 64'' inch Vertical .