Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mineral identification

<- Graphite mineral , it can turn from black to grey, used to make pencil lead, and its streak is black and has greasy texture .

<- Talc mineral, it can turn from green to white, used to make ceramic paper, and its streak is white-ish and also has greasy texture

Mineral properties Vocabulay

Luster - Metallic or non metallic (contains metal or not)
- its powder when starched or rubbed on other martial 
hardness - How hard it is ( Soft, hard, Extremely) 
cleavage - when it breaks evenly
fracture - when it breaks un evenly
composition- Stuff thats makes the mineral 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

-Science is interesting
-i like basketball
-Sharks scare me
-pizza is my favorite food
-I will be a father when i grow up
-i have 3 siblings
-My favorite color is Red
-my favorite things to do is play basketball and football
-watch out for annoying people
-i wish i can have 64'' inch Vertical .